Yesterday in the mail, I got a box from Amazon. Inside the box was the new book by Amy Sedaris - Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. Okay, if you're familiar with Amy Sedaris, you'll know that it's just a big joke. The book is full of crazy crafts and ideas that are all meant to give you a chuckle. I absolutely love it. I'll read this one cover-to-cover just like I did her other book: I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence.
Choose an object to symbolize your creativity and put it in a place you can see it every day.
Everyday when I get to work, I have three different notebooks with me. One of these is my creative note-taking notebook where I can jot down just any old thought that comes into my head. Usually, the notes are things I want to make, or need to do. Right now, I've got it out so I can go over all the Christmas gifts we're buying, or I'm making. It's a big list.
Sometimes it stays in my bag - on extremely busy days - but most days, it's out on my desk where I can see it. Just having it in my line of sight helps me trigger ideas that I need to be thinking about somewhere in the back of my mind. That way, later, when I actually need to work on it, my thoughts are a little more clear.
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